To stare this deeply into the abyss, and laugh, is no mean trick. This is the orientation that will be necessary to make it through the coming tribulations, and carry that which is worth preserving to the other side.

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I see you've linked to old news about Asian Muslim grooming gangs in the UK. What do you think about Andrew Tate's conversion to Islam and the effect it might have on his millions of young male fans the world over? Tate claims Islam "solves" all the current problems of "western civilization".

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Islam is far too liberal when it comes to gender

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Some of his fans have already converted. Maybe it will cause them to treat women better since our Quran is very clear about treating all sentient beings with respect. The turnover rate amongst new converts is high, however, and of course there's an unfortunate trend of Muslims leaving Islam every day now. The Ummah is facing some hardships but bismillah we will overcome.

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Hello, I would like to ask you a question, please, because you seem to be muslim.

You see, the "western" world has been quite traumatized by some "angry bearded muslims", during the last decades. There has been, for example, that Charlie Hebdo stuff, when some French "caricaturist", decided it would be a great idea to go blasphematory. Soon after, some "commando" went by and executed those guys.

There have been several of those "terrorist attacks" and attributed to "revolutionary muslims" or "radical muslims".

Most people not interesting themselves at such stuffs (working from monday to Friday for example) wouldn't stumble upon "The CIA" and other very interesting points that always popped up. (Here you see my own position!)

How in the world, how come, in the world, that every single muslim community, Imams, etc, haven't yet said:

"A-haa! You guys thought we were bloody people intending to steal your country through violence... After what some did to Palestine... 70% of muslim kids and wifes... 200'000 dead, executed front of the cameras... Where are we, us bloody muslims? Such thing does not exist, guys wake up!"

I believe there is some card to play, there. I mean, what am I missing in this equation? I just see how the muslims have become some scapegoats. And in the end, I kind of foresee how muslims, in the middle east for example, are just plain normal people like us, just mourning those losses, not much knowing what to do.

You have to understand that as a catholic, I never enter a mosque. As an european, I rarely meet something more muslim than some people and their flats. What I mean is that it's another world, objectively speaking. It's not that people don't have many ideas about it, it's that they have absolutely NONE. Nothing. All they got comes from the TV

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"You have to understand that as a catholic, I never enter a mosque. As an european, I rarely meet something more muslim than some people and their flats."

--- You mean Muslims haven't taken over your European country yet?

Anyway, you are welcome to go to a mosque even as a non-muslim if you want to get to know more about muslims and Islam. Usually you will be given a warm welcome. You have to take each and every Muslims as an individual. There are some very problematic teachings in Islam, usually taken from Hadiths, but not all Muslims accept Hadiths. There is a growing movement of "Quran only" Muslims now.

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"--- You mean Muslims haven't taken over your European country yet? "

Yes and no but it's not that much of an important matter to me as such thing has been duly orchestrated. From this I would tend to look at who did that so as to prevent further "bad deeds" (because I believe one could let's say "remove all muslims" that it wouldn't change anything).

Eh, thanks for your message. I had the feeling it would have been offending while I was trying to make an intellectual point.

What you say is true, and 99% of muslims I met and know are very kind and normal people. I agree with the fact that I sometimes notice some negative components in their world views, some restriction and it's surely due to a strict interpretation of a religious book. I mean, look at the catholics, they have the same problem. Catholics quoting the bible and truly attached to the book itself are kind of UFO to any normal person. I noticed this with some muslims. Suddenly, they would "switch" and give in to some "principles" that are not okay.

But well, this is the fantastic world of "following a script".

What I mean is that the masses were expecting some bloody occurence to pop up and "avenge" the Palestinians, and how such thing did not happen, and that normal muslims may gain a lot in pointing that out. I am spectating, not judging. I see this, that's all. (My max lifespan is 80 years ...so bloody mess, no bloody mess, "Muslims everywhere", "no muslim everywhere"... it's not my scope I'm just passing by.)

Muslims, if having been voluntarily brought to all those countries as you say, are not that much responsible for it. No wonder they are being leveraged and could be easily used as cannon fodder. Easy. British Lords won't get hit, only us and muslims. I guess it would be great to find some stability between people, some win-win.

How do you do? Where are you yourself?

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"What I mean is that the masses were expecting some bloody occurence to pop up and "avenge" the Palestinians"

--- Yes it's very odd that hasn't happened yet. Who knows if it ever will.

You might like these videos by this Muslim lady who critiques Muslims in the west: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-Gu5GLQinc

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We must look forward, not back.

1. The most nostalgic period for these "good 'ol days" American conservatives is the 1950s. But the reason why the American middle class was created then was due solely to social programs like the GI Bill, Social Security, and the highest tax rates in history for the Corporate class. If we want a resurgence of the "good life" we'd have to repeat all that and Capitalism is not having it!

2. AI, robots, Smart cities and other high tech is the future. It will change life as we know it for everyone on Earth. Better to just embrace it. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

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1. Those aren't the reasons

2. Lol

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Your first point is only good for a hearty laugh. Intellectual substance, not so much.

Though you are correct that AI and robots can easily flip the board here. We’re still not sure what game we’re going to be playing soon, and those above have the technological head start of Gods looking down from Olympus. It will be a brutal century.

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Here's an interesting video about sexbots


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Maybe brutal. Or maybe not. We just don't know.

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